Senin, 16 Juli 2018

234+ Resep MPASI untuk Tumbuh Kembang Otak Anak

234+ Resep MPASI untuk Tumbuh Kembang Otak Anak
By:"Ika Prasetya Aning Amd., Gz","Yohanes Kristianto, GradDipFoodSci, MFT"
Published on by Genta Group Production

Buku ini disusun untuk membantu Supermom yang merasa bingung saat membuka link ini dan itu tapi belum menemukan info yang tepat dalam memberikan MP-ASI. Dalam buku ini Supermom bisa mendapatkan berbagai informasi mengenai dasar pemberian MP-ASI untuk baby lucunya. Dilengkapi dengan bonus informasi mengenai ASI dan juga nutrisi untuk si baby. Keren, kan? * Praktis dan Mudah dipraktikkan * Tips & Trik Pengolahan dan Pemberian MPASI * Info Gizi & Perkembangan Janin * Pengetahuan Lengkap tumbuh kembang otak bayi * Cara Jitu merangsang tumbuh kembang otak bayi * Peta & keajaiban otak bayi * POLA MAKAN yang baik & benar untuk bayi Selamat membaca Supermom dan tetap semangat untuk baby-baby tercinta…!!! Persembahan terbaik dari Genta Group Production

This Book was ranked 36 by Google Books for keyword makanan laris.

Senin, 09 Juli 2018

No Rules!

No Rules!
By:"Dan S. Kennedy"
Published on by PT Mizan Publika

This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword waralaba laris.

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

Health Steak: Steak Sehat Cita Raca Kafe

Health Steak: Steak Sehat Cita Raca Kafe
Published on by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword makanan laris.

Senin, 02 Juli 2018

Day of Empire

Day of Empire
By:"Amy Chua"
Published on 2009-01-06 by Anchor

In this sweeping history, bestselling author Amy Chua explains how globally dominant empires—or hyperpowers—rise and why they fall. In a series of brilliant chapter-length studies, she examines the most powerful cultures in history—from the ancient empires of Persia and China to the recent global empires of England and the United States—and reveals the reasons behind their success, as well as the roots of their ultimate demise. Chua's analysis uncovers a fascinating historical pattern: while policies of tolerance and assimilation toward conquered peoples are essential for an empire to succeed, the multicultural society that results introduces new tensions and instabilities, threatening to pull the empire apart from within. What this means for the United States' uncertain future is the subject of Chua's provocative and surprising conclusion.

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword tips jualan laris.