Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

Kewirausahaan (ed. 1)

Kewirausahaan (ed. 1)
Published on by Penerbit Salemba

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword waralaba laris.

Senin, 14 Desember 2015

Jalan-Jalan Kuliner Aseli Jogja

Jalan-Jalan Kuliner Aseli Jogja
Published on by Media Pressindo

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword makanan laris.

Sabtu, 21 November 2015

The Game

The Game
By:"Neil Strauss"
Published on 2012-05-01 by Harper Collins

Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to charm women. This is not fiction. These men really exist. They live together in houses known as Projects. And Neil Strauss, the bestselling author and journalist, spent two years living among them, using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity. The result is one of the most explosive and controversial books of the last decade—guaranteed to change the lives of men and transform the way women understand the opposite sex forever. On his journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pick-up artist) to PUG (pick-up guru), Strauss not only shares scores of original seduction techniques but also has unforgettable encounters with the likes of Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Heidi Fleiss, and Courtney Love. And then things really start to get strange—and passions lead to betrayals lead to violence. The Game is the story of one man's transformation from frog to prince to prisoner in the most unforgettable book of this generation.

This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword tips jualan laris.

Selasa, 17 November 2015

Resep Paling Manjur Menjadi Karyawan Kaya Raya

Resep Paling Manjur Menjadi Karyawan Kaya Raya
Published on by Elex Media Komputindo

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword resep laris.

Rabu, 11 November 2015

Cake & kue manis

Cake & kue manis
Published on 2007 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword resep laris.

Selasa, 10 November 2015


Published on 2007 by

This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword jajan laris.

Tabloid Reformata Edisi 8, November 2003

Tabloid Reformata Edisi 8, November 2003
By:"Yayasan Pelayanan Media Antiokhia (YAPAMA)"
Published on 2003-11-01 by Yayasan Pelayanan Media Antiokhia (YAPAMA)

This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword jajan laris.

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015


Published on 2006 by

This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword makanan laris.

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015


By:"Marga de Quelyu"
Published on by RAIH ASA SUKSES

Sebuah buku yang memandu kita agar dengan mudah mengoptimalkan kuatnya potensi pikiran bawah sadar, agar lebih berdaya guna bagi kehidupan kita, kehidupan saat ini dan terutama kehidupan yang selanjutnya. Isi buku ini lebih dari sekadar petunjuk langkah demi langkah yang praktis, juga sangat menginspirasi dan mencerahkan. Setelah membaca buku ini, dengan sendirinya Anda semakin jatuh hati dan sangat memandang pentingnya hidup tanpa keterbatasan diri dan Anda juga semakin merasa bersyukur dan bangga.

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword waralaba laris.

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015


Published on 1998 by

This Book was ranked 27 by Google Books for keyword makanan laris.

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015

Rahasia Cepat Menguasai Laporan Keuangan Khusus Untuk Perpajakan & UKM

Rahasia Cepat Menguasai Laporan Keuangan Khusus Untuk Perpajakan & UKM
By:"Ferra Pujiyanti S.Pd"
Published on 2015-09-21 by Lembar Langit Indonesia

Usaha apa pun tanpa adanya laporan keuangan yang jelas, pasti hasilnya nihil dan berantakan. Karena walau bagaimana pun, laporan keuangan adalah hal yang paling utama untuk dipelajari dalam perjalanan usaha. Karena dari sana kita dapat menganalisa dan merencanakan pergerakan usaha kedepannya. Buku Laporan Keuangan terbitan LEMBAR PUSTAKA INDONESIA ini, sungguh sangat berguna untuk siapa pun yang ingin menerapkan secara baik dan benar Keuangan di Perusahannya. Karena buku ini memaksimalkan kinerja bagian keuangan dan memudahkan anda untuk membaca laporannya. Harapannya adalah buku ini menjadi buku bacaan wajib untuk orang keuangan ditempat anda. Anda juga bisa memantau kinerja orang keuangan anda, dengan cara membandingkan apa yang sudah dilakukannya dengan yang ada di dalam buku ini. -Lembar Langit Indonesia Group-

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword waralaba laris.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

TeenLit: Resep Cinta

TeenLit: Resep Cinta
Published on 2007 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 11 by Google Books for keyword resep laris.

Jumat, 18 September 2015


Published on 2005 by

This Book was ranked 21 by Google Books for keyword waralaba laris.

Selasa, 15 September 2015

Jus Sehat Golongan Darah A

Jus Sehat Golongan Darah A
Published on by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 34 by Google Books for keyword makanan laris.

Senin, 14 September 2015

The Final Note

The Final Note
By:"Kevin Alan Milne"
Published on 2011-05-11 by Center Street

In this brand-new novel from bestselling author Kevin Milne, readers will be inspired yet again by the themes of love, loss, and renewal. Ethan met and fell in love with Anna while studying music abroad in college. He married her, and fully expected to grow old with her. After all, they were young, life was good, and faith in each other came easily, as evidenced by the Love Notes Anna periodically left between the strings of his guitar. On their wedding day, Ethan promised to love, honor, and cherish his wife...and to write a song for her. Fast forward to the present day. Despite his grand promises, reality has proven to be much harder than he anticipated. Instead of composing hit songs, he's working long hours to provide for his family, and still promising to finish Anna's song. His formerly hopeful spirit is almost too heavy to carry, weighed down as it is by regret. His grandfather, a veteran of World War II, knows a thing or two about regret and bitterness, and has his own stories to tell. One in particular, has the potential to change Ethan's attitude and help him put the past to rest, if he can open his heart to the truth of it. Can an old soldier's tales of war help Ethan relinquish his anger? Is it too late to finish the song he began for Anna on their wedding day? Will he be able to remember why he fell in love so many years ago? In this tale of loss and heartbreak, love and forgiveness, Ethan is about to discover that the final note has yet to be written.

This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword tips jualan laris.

Minggu, 13 September 2015

Menyeberangi sungai air mata

Menyeberangi sungai air mata
By:"Antonius Sumarwan"
Published on 2007 by Kanisius

Research into the experiences of former political prisoners involved in the 1965 Coup d'état; includes their personal accounts.

This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword jajan laris.

Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

Anak Kos Dodol

Anak Kos Dodol
By:"Dewi \"Dedew\" Rieka"
Published on 2008 by Gradien Mediatama

“Dew, gue udah baca buku loe yang dudul itu. Sekarang loe harus tanggung jawab Dew!!! LOE HARUS TANGGUNG JAWAB!!!! Sori emosi..! Pokoknya gue gak mau tahu, lo harus tanggung jawab karena... gue udah telat 3 bulan!! (Lho?) Enggak deng... gara2 baca buku loe, gue jadi MUPENG... pengen balik ke Djogja lagi. Hikz, hikzzz... sumpah, saat baca buku loe itu gue ngerasa ikutan dalam cerita tersebut. Gue jadi terngiang masa2 di Djogja dulu bareng temen2 kuliah dan TEMEN2 KOS (DODOL...)”. PS: I LOVE YOU! (LHO? LHO? NGGAK DING...) PS: SALAM BUAT SARAH!!!!! —Aditya Sukmana, Alumni UII Djokdja, Mantan Anak Kosan “Wua,, lucu bgt! Ad genitny, usilny, sdinya, kompakny, anak kos dudul ni nyeritain smua! Dan jdul bkuny sma skali g boong, emang bneran DODOL koq!hehehe. Sukses y mb dedew.\

This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword jajan laris.

Kursus Singkat UsahaAneka Katering Laris

Kursus Singkat UsahaAneka Katering Laris
Published on by Elex Media Komputindo

This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword resep laris.

Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

Resep Hidup sehat

Resep Hidup sehat
Published on by Kanisius

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword resep laris.

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Kursus Singkat UsahaAneka Katering Laris

Kursus Singkat UsahaAneka Katering Laris
Published on by Elex Media Komputindo

This Book was ranked 11 by Google Books for keyword jajan laris.

Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

The Luminous Portrait

The Luminous Portrait
By:"Elizabeth Messina"
Published on 2012 by Amphoto

A reference for wedding and portrait photographers as well as amateur shutterbugs of any experience level demonstrates how to maximize natural lighting for the best effects, drawing on the expertise of an award-winning wedding photographer to outline specific techniques. By the author of Wedding Photography Unveiled. Original.

This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword tips jualan laris.

Menu 2 minggu bekal kantor

Menu 2 minggu bekal kantor
Published on 2008 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword makanan laris.

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

Jodoh Monica

Jodoh Monica
Published on 2004 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Pada usia 34 tahun, Monica, wanita karier sukses dari perusahaan periklanan menyadari kekurangannya: sulit mendapat jodoh. Dia menyesali masa muda yang dihabiskannya untuk ambisi mengejar karier.

This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword jajan laris.

Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Secret Garden

Secret Garden
By:"Johanna Basford"
Published on 2013-03-26 by Laurence King Publishing

Good news for all SECRET GARDEN fans! All editions of SECRET GARDEN now feature thicker and heavier paper stock, fighting bleed-through from ink pens. Experience the phenomenon that has sold 2 million copies worldwide and launched the coloring craze for adults. This beautiful and interactive coloring book features delicate and highly detailed pen-and-ink illustrations—all waiting to be brought to life with color. As added entertainment, tiny garden creatures are hidden on the pages, waiting to be found, and a key and index are included in the back. The book's cover and jacket are also colorable. Appealing to all ages, SECRET GARDEN is the original and first book by Johanna Basford.

This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword tips jualan laris.

Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Her story

Her story
Published on 2010 by Kanisius

On feminine issues, including discrimination and violence against women.

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword waralaba laris.